Minor repair garage

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Senior Member
Glen bunie, md, us
Junior plan reviewer
I have minor repair garage without pit and it is classified as class 1 division 1 area. The garage has panelboards for the space. Was wondering if panelboards are allowed in class 1 division 1 or division 2 area?
Not unless the panelboard is identified for the classification; however I would question the classification in the first place.
. . . however I would question the classification in the first place.
That would not have occurred to me. So I looked at the code. I think the issue is addressed in 511.3. It seems to me that what matters is whether gasoline is moved about within the space.

To hhsting: Since you called this a "minor repair garage," I will ask you whether you meant that in the context of its definition is 511.2. If so, then perhaps the classification is incorrect.
Read Table 511.3 carefully. It is extremely unlikely for small repair garage without a pit will have a Division 1 location - even with fuel transfer. And Division 2 is quite limited in either case.
Thank you for all your responses and yes I followed up classification matter with the engineer of this project and said Class 1 division 1 is coming from the owner of this project who ofcourse has no clue what he or she is doing and that engineer agress that it cannot be class 1 div 1. It is minor repair garage with enough ventilation not be classified and does not have any pits.
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Thank you for all your responses and yes I followed up classification matter with the engineer of this project and said Class 1 division 1 is coming from the owner of this project who ofcourse has no clue what he or she is doing and that engineer agress that it cannot be class 1 div 1. It is minor repair garage with enough ventilation not be classified and does not have any pits.
Inexperienced persons often overclassify, "Just to be safe", until the reality of the added expense requirements of explosionproof equipment and other effects on wiring/sealing are brought to their attention This can be especially bad when the experienced person is an AHJ.
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