Miscellaneous Service Questions

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Senior Member
New York, NY
Hey guys,
Just a few questions I have on the electrical service:

1. The service point is located say 20 feet from the service switchboard. The conductors between the service point and the service switchboard are the service entrance conductors. Once those SEC's hit the switchboard, they terminate in lugs and now we have bus bars on the line side of the service switches, inside the switchboard... are those bus bars considered SEC's as well? I'm assuming yes.

2. Using the example above (question 1): when you size the GEC, you base it off the SEC conductors entering the switchboard correct? Based on table 250.66.

3. Let's say the service lateral conductors enter directly into the service switchboard, from behind; so the service point is in a cabinet that is integral to the switchboard. The lateral conductors terminate in a set of lugs, and then we have the bus bars (figure 4000 amp bus bars) on the line side of the service switches. How do you size the GEC in this instance? Do you figure out the equivalent wire size, based on 4000 amp bus bars, and then go to table 250.66?
As I understand it, you do as you noted in Part 3 of your question, equivalent size.
It's somewhat of a moot point for GEC on that big a service as 3/0 is the largest required
As I understand it, you do as you noted in Part 3 of your question, equivalent size.
It's somewhat of a moot point for GEC on that big a service as 3/0 is the largest required
Yep, understood that a service that large requires no more than 3/0 anyway. Just wanted to make sure I understood the line of thinking.
As I understand it, you do as you noted in Part 3 of your question, equivalent size.
It's somewhat of a moot point for GEC on that big a service as 3/0 is the largest required
This also answers my 1st question as well. The bus bars inside the service switchboard would be considered SEC's as well, together with the SEC wires that run from the remote service point to the switchboard. Is this correct?
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