Misuse of audible fire alarm

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Joliet, I'll.
Is there anything in the fire alarm code which does not allow the use of an audible fire alarm and strobe for other then a fire alarm, such as being used to notify personnel if industrial production equipment is not in operation.
Yes, there is such a rule, but I don't have the NFPA fire alarm code book anymore. A general warning would have to be entirely distinct from fire alarm audible and visual signals.
AFAIK, there is no requirement for a Fire Alarm to be a specific sound or tone (unless there is a local code to that effect). But there are other conditions. This is covered in NFPA 72 and this is how it is worded.

10.9.3 An audible notification appliance on a control unit, or
on multiple control units that are interconnected to form a
system, or at a remote location, shall be permitted to have the
same audible characteristics for all alerting functions including,
but not limited to, alarm, trouble, and supervisory, provided
that the distinction between signals shall be by other
appropriate means, such as visible annunciation

10.9.4 Supervisory signals shall be distinctive in sound from
other signals, and their sound shall not be used for any other
purpose except as permitted in 10.9.3.

10.9.5 Trouble signals required to indicate at the protected
premises shall be indicated by distinctive audible signals,
which shall be distinctive from alarm signals except as permitted
in 10.9.3.

10.9.6 Alarm evacuation signals shall be distinctive in sound
from other signals, shall comply with the requirements of
18.4.2, and their sound shall not be used for any other purpose.

(emphasis added)

So the upshot is, maybe yes, maybe no.
AFAIK, there is no requirement for a Fire Alarm to be a specific sound or tone (unless there is a local code to that effect).

This is from the Notification Appliances section. Although it refers to Section 10.10, Jraef might have quoted an older version (10.9)

NFPA 72-2013
18.4.2 Distinctive Evacuation Signal.* To meet the requirements of Section 10.10, the alarm audible signal pattern used to notify building occupants of the need to evacuate (leave the building) or relocate (from one area to another) shall be the standard alarm evacuation signal consisting of a three-pulse temporal pattern. The pattern shall be in accordance with Figure and shall consist of the following in this order:
(1) “On” phase lasting 0.5 second ±10 percent
(2) “Off” phase lasting 0.5 second ±10 percent for three successive “on” periods
(3) “Off” phase lasting 1.5 seconds ±10 percent
Exception: Where approved by the authority having jurisdiction,continued use of the existing consistent evacuation signaling scheme shall be permitted.
This is from the Notification Appliances section. Although it refers to Section 10.10, Jraef might have quoted an older version (10.9)

NFPA 72-2013
18.4.2 Distinctive Evacuation Signal.* To meet the requirements of Section 10.10, the alarm audible signal pattern used to notify building occupants of the need to evacuate (leave the building) or relocate (from one area to another) shall be the standard alarm evacuation signal consisting of a three-pulse temporal pattern. The pattern shall be in accordance with Figure and shall consist of the following in this order:
(1) “On” phase lasting 0.5 second ±10 percent
(2) “Off” phase lasting 0.5 second ±10 percent for three successive “on” periods
(3) “Off” phase lasting 1.5 seconds ±10 percent
Exception: Where approved by the authority having jurisdiction,continued use of the existing consistent evacuation signaling scheme shall be permitted.

Was going to post that. I my understanding is that this is an established and agreed international indication of building evacuation.
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