Bob (iwire) pointed you in the right direction, but to narrow it down a bit, each emergency system must be kept separate from all non-emergency systems. See 700.2 for the definition and 700.10 for specifics.The generators (there are more than one) supply power for the whole building (all loads). There are also around 9 ATS in the mechanical rooms for chillers providing cooling for data rooms.
Bob (iwire) pointed you in the right direction, but to narrow it down a bit, each emergency system must be kept separate from all non-emergency systems. See 700.2 for the definition and 700.10 for specifics.
Also, though you only mentioned junction boxes on the source side of the ATS's, wiring does have to enter and exit them. If any wiring is service conductors, then 230.7 prohibits other than service conductors from sharing the same raceway or cable.