MLO Panel With Outdoor Main Disconnect

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New User
Aurora, IL
Engineer- Power Utilities Manufacturing
Hi guys, first time poster here. I am going to be working on a service upgrade at my residence here in Illinois and in doing so, I will be adding an exterior emergency disconnect per 2020 NEC 230.85. As I am creating a BOM and budgeting appropriately for this, I'm a little confused by whether or not it's acceptable to use a 200A MLO panel instead of a load center with a main breaker. I recall reading, once upon a time, that a "sub panel" shall have no more than 6 throws to entirely de-energize. In the case of having an outdoor disconnect, does that make the next panel downstream a sub panel or no? As such, is an MLO panel permissible or is that not acceptable? Thank you in advance for your input- I've been in power utilities engineering my whole career but haven't dealt as much with residential NEC interpretation.
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