Mobile Home Calculation.

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North Carolina
Top Helper
Hello Good afternoon,
Almost 6 month I took an exam and one of my question was, mobile homes,,,
does anyone out there can help me to resolve this problem,,,,im still learning how to calculate this kind of question, as far as i know we got two methods standar and optional.
if the question not specified the method which of the methods should i use?

A mobile home floor is 70 ft by 10 ft.
has 2 small appliances.
1000 va, 240v heater.
200 va, 120 v, exhaust fan.
400 va, 120v, dishwasher.
7000 va, electric range.
I don't have time now but often you will find the mobile home calculation based on 550.31 which is often overlooked

550.31 Allowable Demand Factors. Park electrical wiring
systems shall be calculated (at 120/240 volts) on the larger of
the following:
(1) 16,000 volt-amperes for each mobile home lot
(2) The load calculated in accordance with 550.18 for the
largest typical mobile home that each lot will accept
It shall be permissible to calculate the feeder or service load
in accordance with Table 550.31. No demand factor shall be
allowed for any other load, except as provided in this Code.
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