Mobile home feeders

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S/E Michigan
Wiring a mobile home with the pedestal 24" away form it. Does the conduit with the feeders have to go directly underground below the disconnect then up once it's under the trailer. Or, if supported, could I come down from the disconnect, 90 over then through the skirting and obviously up into thew panel? Inspector says the latter can't be done anymore and must go underground then up. Didn't see anything in the code book.
I haven't done a trailer in 25 years but there is no reason to go underground that I know of but there may be a local amendment.
We use flex often times and also we use at least 1 expansion coupling when running the service in PVC.Seems to me that it may be a matter of preference on the inspectors part.Or possibly a local ammendment..
It's 24" from the pedestal to the skirt. How far from the skirt to the stubdown? The ones I see are usually in another 2-3' or so, some are all the way in the middle of the home.

I really don't see a problem poking straight through the skirt, as long as you follow the strapping/supporting requirements. I'd use sch. 80 too just to be safe. Underground would look cleaner though, since you wouldn't even see it....
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