Mobile Home

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Senior Member
I have a questions about mobile homes services. the current service at this mobile home park is 100a. The new tenant wants a new 200a. unfortuantly the old service is a duplex meter can so we cant disconnect one with out the other. we want to build a new service near old service. the service is located within 30' of trailor but opposite end of where mobile home panel is located. The feeder from service to panel location on home runs over head to a wooden pole then under ground about 15' to subpanel in mobile home.

1. would i need a disconnect at wooden pole before it goes into mobile home beisdes the service disconnect.
In general the service disconnect/service equipment can not be mounted in or on a mobile home.

Have mounted one on a post or other structure that was just inches away from the home and not supported by the home before.
Code just requires the service equipment or disconnecting means to be not more than 30' from an exterior wall. It does not have to be located with respect to the interior panelboard.
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