mobile home

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New member
winchester, NH
I ran conduit from a 100 amp disconnect on a pedestal to the corner of the mobile home, 90 elbow up to an LB, sawed a hole in the skirting and glued a 12 inch nipple through to underneath the mobile home. I ran #2, 4 wire URD through conduit from the disco to the LB ounce under the mobile home, I ran the 4 wire up high, I supported the URD to the bottom of the home up off the pad. was told by a local inspector that the feeder wires needed to be in a conduit under the mobile home all the way to the Panel, where in the 2017 code book can i find this? Thanks Jeff
URD is not an NEC recognized cable type. It must be dual listed as an NEC-recognized type. Permitted and not permitted uses will depend on type. It is quite common for URD to be dual listed as USE-2. You can't run USE above ground except to terminate where it emerges and even that has to be outside [338.12(B)(2)]. Now if the individual conductors happen to be marked XHH*, you can run it above ground in conduit.
Putting aside the URD naming issue since most of it is dual rated, 300.3 means that you can't run exposed conductors, they have to be in a cable assembly or in conduit.
Or with the USE rating - direct buried at a depth that complies with 300.5.
Since the OP is talking about a mobile home I am of the mind to say he is using URD as a slang term, like so many of us do, and what he really has is mobile home feeder that is direct bury rated and is allowed to be used inside.
Perhaps he'll enlighten us...
Since the OP is talking about a mobile home I am of the mind to say he is using URD as a slang term, like so many of us do, and what he really has is mobile home feeder that is direct bury rated and is allowed to be used inside.
I agree, but it still is for direct burial or use in a raceway and not as an exposed wiring method.

Seen it used exposed several times myself, worse yet enclosed in building finish with no raceway like it were a NM or SE cable.
I agree, but it still is for direct burial or use in a raceway and not as an exposed wiring method.

Seen it used exposed several times myself, worse yet enclosed in building finish with no raceway like it were a NM or SE cable.

So what's your point, that the OP should bury the mobile home to a depth of twenty four inches?
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