mobile homes

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i need a refresher on
n how i calculate loads on ckts fot general outles if use the 180va per sq.ft it comes out to 1800 minus, 223watts equuals equals 1580 0r roughly 12 per circuit and on general its per yokeif i still like even though watts ea and were only using 13 watt bulbs so i got at least 4 recepts per crcuit at 180 va but 2005 nec says that is a maximi
Dave, is this from your phone ? It is difficult to read. Please use spell check & punctuation. If it is from your phone, you would be

better off waiting until you had a PC or laptop available. Thank You
Lightbulb Dave,
I notice you have posted variations of this question more than once, and as noted we are having trouble deciphering as typed.
You did mention Mobile Homes in the question. Please make note that rather than using Art 220, when dealing with Mobile Homes Art 550.12 comes into play. It appears that Code section allows less circuits than one might find in convention constructed home.
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