Moddifyig an MCC for bottom entry

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I am in the process of doing a layout for moving an MCC from a location on the ground floor to a location on a second level, straight up.

We are considering modifying the cabinet for bottom feed.

We want to try and reuse the existing feeders by turning them up from their present location.

What codes should I investigate?

Is there a proper way to meet UL?

I am in the process of doing a layout for moving an MCC from a location on the ground floor to a location on a second level, straight up.

We are considering modifying the cabinet for bottom feed.

We want to try and reuse the existing feeders by turning them up from their present location.

What codes should I investigate?

Is there a proper way to meet UL?


Are you sure it has a bottom?

I would just cut a slot in the bottom to feed the conduits in. How is this any different than any other box that has to have an opening cut in it for entry of conduit.

I don't believe UL is an issue here.

I do not believe there is any code that would prevent you from doing this, however I suspect that you will need some jboxes to put the splices in to extend the wires.
I think what the OP is saying is that they want to turn the existing feeders up vertically from where they are presently turning down into the top of the MCC, thus j-boxes would probably not be required. I agree the MCC's do not normally have a bottom just a 6" horizontal wireway between the cabinet framing and the bottom of the starter/breaker compartments. I don't think MR.Code cares,,,,,,don't forget to plug the existing top entry holes :)

Thanks for the reply.

I have been doing some reading and have not found anything.

This is a 480V feed into this MCC.

I am sure there are still items to consider when doing this. Protecting the conductor jackets, etc.

...Dick - Good point, thanks.
I think what the OP is saying is that they want to turn the existing feeders up vertically from where they are presently turning down into the top of the MCC, thus j-boxes would probably not be required. I agree the MCC's do not normally have a bottom just a 6" horizontal wireway between the cabinet framing and the bottom of the starter/breaker compartments. I don't think MR.Code cares,,,,,,don't forget to plug the existing top entry holes :)


With the MCCs that I have sold over the years MCCs can be top or bottom entry. The MCC drawing will show the space at the bottom that can be used for bottom entry.
But, the incoming can be a different issue. As dicklaxt indicated it my be simply reorientation of the incoming lugs to point down but the OP provided little information on the actual MCC configuration as some MCCs have an extra incoming section which allows for cable entrance for top or bottom entry.
Without having access to a drawing of the MCC I would be reluctant to provide an answer to his question as an answer would only be based upon an educated guess which certainly isn't a good answer.
Providing and answer to the OP?s question may be only providing an answer that he wants to hear but it may be an incorrect answer because there is a lot of information that is lacking.
Templdl..........I take the OP as meaning the feeders to users and I think you are referring to the main feeders aren't you.Yes, you are correct and if the original electrician didn't do a down and back routing of user feeders within the verticle wireway then some of the feeders will require j-boxes as noted but if the luck were to hold doors and c buckets could be relocated for the problem (short cable) users. Right on mate needing more info.

I just happen to have a GE 8000-Line MCC Catalog

Quick info for indoor units

NEMA 1, standard is open bottom and a 6" wireway at top and 12 " at the bottom.

Nema 2, removable conduit cover plates top and bottom if specified

NEMA 12,removable bottom cover plates with gaskets.

Wireway sizes vary depending on bus size 2 or 4 inch,,,the norm for 2" bus is 6" at the top and 12" at the bottom,the norm for 4" is 12" at the top and 6" at the bottom.

Special order wireway sizes on request.

I would think this may be an industry std or close,don't quote me.

Templdl..........I take the OP as meaning the feeders to users and I think you are referring to the main feeders aren't you.Yes, you are correct and if the original electrician didn't do a down and back routing of user feeders within the verticle wireway then some of the feeders will require j-boxes as noted but if the luck were to hold doors and c buckets could be relocated for the problem (short cable) users. Right on mate needing more info.


But we must admit it's a lot of fun to guess.
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