Modify flood light with photo cell.

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Senior Member
Alexandria, VA
Business owner Electrical contractor
Do you see any complications with modifying an outdoor flood light with a photo cell? I would drill a hole in the top or side of the fixture and insert a photo cell with a rubber gasket.

I have a situation where a sump pump is on the same circuit with two outdoor flood lights. Currently the circuit is controlled by a photo cell. The sump pump needs to be available 24/7 and not just at night. This is a separate structure from the source of power. Adding an additional circuit would be very complicated. The floodlights are similarLithonia-Lighting-1-Light-Outdoor-Flood-Light.jpg to the photo.
Can you interrupt the ciruit somewhere instead and install a box?

We do retrofit designs all the time mostly for cities & counties as they change out from time clocks to our controls.

If you put a hole in the fixture, you're nullifying the listing on it.
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