modular home

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third party inspector
New England
It seems that some manufactured homes are now being delivered with no less than 12-2 feeders to the main panel. There are 14 wires going to lighting circuits
coming from switches. This may become a problem, either at installation or in the future if the EC used all 20-amp breakers. Is there a code article that addresses this?
Title of your post is modular home, then you mention mfg home.
For a mfg home see Article 550 and section 90.3
To me, a modular home is one made in a factory, and would wired per the NEC
I work in the Modular Industry, we build for 14 different state, we are required to follow the NEC that is enforced in each state. We have never run 14 gauge wire on a 20 amp breaker.
Happens in "stick built" also.... not a violation and can actually be a positive method to address voltage drop on long runs.
I think the Code opinion is that before someone changes the size of a breaker they should investigate the components of the circuit.
Happens in "stick built" also.... not a violation and can actually be a positive method to address voltage drop on long runs.
I think the Code opinion is that before someone changes the size of a breaker they should investigate the components of the circuit.
Yeah, something to be said about qualified persons.

It seems that some manufactured homes are now being delivered with no less than 12-2 feeders to the main panel. There are 14 wires going to lighting circuits
coming from switches. This may become a problem, either at installation or in the future if the EC used all 20-amp breakers. Is there a code article that addresses this?
Assuming that the original installation has used 15 amp OCPDs for all of the circuits than have 14 AWG connected to them, there is no code issue and no requirement for the panel to be marked to indicate there is 14AWG connected downstream of the 12AWG.
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