More Fun With Numbers:

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Senior Member
We know that Vrms = 0.707xVp in a sinusoid. Now who knows

1) the RMS value of a half-wave rectified sinusoid?

2) the RMS value of a square wave swinging between 0 and Vp?

3) the RMS value of a triangular wave swinging between 0 and Vp?
Re: More Fun With Numbers:

Ill take a shot at the 1/2 wave rectified is it .637??

Re: More Fun With Numbers:

Originally posted by rattus:
We know that Vrms = 0.707xVp in a sinusoid. Now who knows

1) the RMS value of a half-wave rectified sinusoid?

not quite, but almost .5x0.707xVp

not quite because the rectifier has a voltage drop acorss it

2) the RMS value of a square wave swinging between 0 and Vp?

0.5 Vp

3) the RMS value of a triangular wave swinging between 0 and Vp?

1/3 Vp

[ February 18, 2005, 05:08 PM: Message edited by: petersonra ]
Re: More Fun With Numbers:

OK, none out of three won't get anyone a license. Someone needs to do some figuring.

[ February 18, 2005, 10:09 PM: Message edited by: rattus ]
Re: More Fun With Numbers:

This is taking me back to 1956 college days.

For a full-wave rectifier, (2/pi) or
(I average = .637 x I max.)
For a half-wave rectifier,(1/Pi) or
(I average = .318 x Imax)

For full-wave, the ratio of average to rms is:
(Irms = 1/1.11 x Iave)
Re: More Fun With Numbers:

Well Rattus, I'm gonna throw my appearent ignorance in too. I thought Bob had it right. What in the world am I missing? :confused:
Re: More Fun With Numbers:

Sam, we have to consider the square of the voltage. RMS means:

Square ROOT of the MEAN value of the voltage SQUARED. No one has done that.

Take the square wave for example, it delivers half the power that DC of magnitude Vp would deliver.

1) Vrms^2/R = Vp^2/2R, or

2) Vrms = Vp/1.414

That is, the equation,

3) P = Vrms^2/R must be satisfied

[ February 20, 2005, 09:43 AM: Message edited by: rattus ]
Re: More Fun With Numbers:

What's going on with power and resistance here?

I thought the question was voltage?

Edit: If the mean voltage (as in the square wave) is .5.


The root of the mean square is:


I must still be missing something. :confused:

[ February 20, 2005, 01:35 AM: Message edited by: physis ]
Re: More Fun With Numbers:

Take the square wave for example, it delivers half the power that DC of magnitude Vp would deliver.
I would agree that is correct for a DC square wave.

Why wouldn't an AC square wave deliver power equal to a steady DC, assuming the rise time is instantaneous?



[ February 20, 2005, 08:14 AM: Message edited by: Ed MacLaren ]
Re: More Fun With Numbers:

Ed, you are correct. This same argument applies to the full-wave rectified AC we discussed a few days ago, or any symmetrical wave for that matter.

Sam, We are concerned with the MEAN value of the voltage SQUARED. You SQUARE the voltage first, then take the MEAN, then take the square ROOT of that.
Re: More Fun With Numbers:

Using a 5v. square wave:


Edit: I don't remember intentionally measuring a square wave with a meter, always used a scope.

And added some math

[ February 20, 2005, 12:45 PM: Message edited by: physis ]
Re: More Fun With Numbers:

Originally posted by physis:
Using a 5v. square wave:


You got it Sam,
You averaged the squared voltage by multiplying by the 50% duty cycle.

Now does 5/1.414 = 3.536?

BTW, you can do this for any duty cycle, but it would no longer be a square wave.

[ February 20, 2005, 12:30 PM: Message edited by: rattus ]
Re: More Fun With Numbers:

Sorry Rattus, I appearantly was editing while you where posting.

Edit: looks like your answer was already edited in.

[ February 20, 2005, 12:34 PM: Message edited by: physis ]
Re: More Fun With Numbers:

I guess I should already know this but it's counter intuitive. It doesn't jive with the geometry.
Re: More Fun With Numbers:

Hey Rattus,.

What happened to those characters? Didn't they copy?

Check out the program "Character Map" in accesories/system tools/ of the windows start menu.
Re: More Fun With Numbers:

For any waveform, we can calculate both a RMS value, and an average value. The numbers posted by Petersonraa are average values. If you follow your intuition Sam, you will probably get average values. It is basically the peak voltage multiplied by the percent of the area under the wave. For example, for a square wave, half the area between 0 and Vp is under the wave, and half is above. So the average value is 1/2 Vp.

Like Rattus said, to get the RMS value, square the origional wave, then find the average, then take the square root.

The reason we need RMS values is to compare the power delivered to a load to DC power. Remember that instantenous power (don't worry, I'm not going there :) )= V^2/R. So to find out what kind of voltage produces the same power as a DC wave, we have to do the extra squaring and then take the square root after we find the average.

Re: More Fun With Numbers:

Let me make the point that we do not usually compute the RMS values for any waveform other than a sinusoid. We are just pointing out that it can be done for any periodic waveform. This exercise helps one understand the concept of effective (RMS) values.
Re: More Fun With Numbers:

Sam, when you calculate AC power you have to use RMS, remember?

Oh yeah.
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