Motion sensor ? florescent light, and fan?

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I went out on a trouble shooting call where a commercial bathroom motion sensor was installed, with a florescent light, and fan. In the auto position the light would not always come one, and the fan would be running at a lower rpm. I changed the motion sensor, like for like, but had the same problem. The light and fan come on fine in the ?on? position, so I checked out the switch instructions, and it recommends only magnetic start magnetic ballast to be used with this switch. I assume the ballasts are the problem here, and that I need to find a better commercial grade sensor. Does it sound like I?m on target, and if so will I be able to find a sensor that will work more than one type of ballast? Thanks.

Dennis Alwon

Staff member
Chapel Hill, NC
Retired Electrical Contractor
Definitely make sure the sensor is listed for the product it is controlling. Not all sensors will do fluorescents or fans.


Vancouver, BC
An electronic in-line switch like the motion sensor you're having problems with generally will not work with an electronic ballast. The electronics in the switch use the load as the return for their internal power supply and the front end of the ballast creates a distorted current waveform that causes the switch to malfunction.
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