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I'm bidding a job with 2 - 4000HP (yes 4000) 4160Volt motors and don't have the FLA rating. How can I at least get an average rating?

Use .14 A/HP. Most 2 to 4 pole motors will be lower than that, 6 pole and up may be higher.
So 4000HP assuming 4 pole I would guestimate to be 560A

Also assuming Squirrel Cage Induction Motors. At 4,000HP you are deep in the world in which people often use Synchronous motors, which would be different so make sure of what they are planning on using. If they are unsure (many users are), ask if they know the speed. Synch motors are typically low RPMs.
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thanks guys, those numbers make sense based on the OCP and cable size. I'm bidding based on a previous contractors plans, so trying to double check everything.
I'm bidding a job with 2 - 4000HP (yes 4000) 4160Volt motors and don't have the FLA rating. How can I at least get an average rating?
I have an Excel spreadsheet that I generated for my own use.
I'd be quite happy for you share it. If I knew how to get it to you.

Anyway, it gives a bit over 500A for your application which is in line with what others have suggested.
In your bid list the amperage value you assume and indicate if the actual nameplate rating is higher, than there will be an up charge. List "type" of motor as well. CYA!

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