motor connectons 480 to 208

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South Carolina
I have a motor on a shear with the leads labeled u1,u2,u3,v1,v2,v3,w1,w2,w3that I need to connect for 208 .

Moteurs Electriques
Hawker Siddeley S.A.
model #E125048


Senior Member
I believe you are dealing with a Star-Delta system, those terminal identifiers seem to jog something in this old memory bank also if my thoughts are good there are many wiring configurations for a Star-Delta

I think you may have a rough time getting that motor to work on 208. Most IEC motors are made to work on either 400 V or 600 V--- 3 phase anyhow.

No diagram is a pain, but there still should be a label on the motor with rated Voltage(s), and KW (instead of HP). Good luck, and please post back the final outcome for us. Possibly the manufacturer has a tech support # you can call for assistance.

Most IEC motors I have seen only have 6 leads(one set for Y, the other Delta), occasionally 12 (for dual voltage rated).... not the same 9 lead system we are used to working with here with NEMA standards.


Senior Member
It seems that your motor has its u6,v6, and w6 internally jumpered as there is no mention of those markings in you correction post! If this is dual-voltage motor, you will have to join u2, v2, and w2, and connect:
u5 to u1 - line 1;
v5 to v1 - line 2, and
w5 to w1 - line 3.
Please note that this motor will be rated above your 208V supply and this means the torque capacity will be lesser. Assuming your original motor rating was 460V (I don't believe it's rated 480V), when you re-connect into a double-wye configuration, the new motor voltage rating will be 230V (460/2). Your 208V, three-phase supply is 10% lower than that of the motor voltage rating and you should expect a lower torque at his configuration, about 82% of the original nameplate torque rating.


South Carolina
It seems that your motor has its u6,v6, and w6 internally jumpered as there is no mention of those markings in you correction post! If this is dual-voltage motor, you will have to join u2, v2, and w2, and connect:
u5 to u1 - line 1;
v5 to v1 - line 2, and
w5 to w1 - line 3.
Please note that this motor will be rated above your 208V supply and this means the torque capacity will be lesser. Assuming your original motor rating was 460V (I don't believe it's rated 480V), when you re-connect into a double-wye configuration, the new motor voltage rating will be 230V (460/2). Your 208V, three-phase supply is 10% lower than that of the motor voltage rating and you should expect a lower torque at his configuration, about 82% of the original nameplate torque rating.

Well I connected the motor just as you have shown above, it seems to be running find . There is a difference in amps on on leg L1-44 L2-35 L3-35. However shear is operating ok. Thanks all.
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