Motor Efficency

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What is the major difference between a 2-speed 2-winding and single winding is there efficency differences? How does a 1-winding produce 2 speeds??


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From what I have found out so far single winding two speed motors are more readily avaliable, more cost effective, and a smaller overall footprint, there are three different configurations but the one common denomenoter in the wole equation is that the major difference between a two winding and single winding in the starter anyways is that when you need high speed ther is a set of contact that shorts out the other three leads, how does this create a higher speed? the leads are still energized (I think) so how would this make the motor spin faster, also a two winding motor you could still operate if one winding went down for some reason and at least run at a lower capacity if desired until the repair can be completed, this is what I have discovered so far anyyone have any good links to motor windings or how these type operate? other advantages / disadvantages?
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