Motor Lead - Power Conductor Termination

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I have an application here in Wheeling, WV.
We are feeding 400 HP pump motors with parallel ServiceDrive cables.

Attached are photos of the cable and the motor terminal box where the ServiceDrive cables will be terminated.

My question is what terminal / connection fitting would be used to terminate the 6 grounding conductors (3 per cable) to the terminal on the motor housing.

And also, what terminal / connection fitting would be used to terminate the parallel power conductors to the smaller motor terminal leads.

Is there a terminal device on the market that you would recommend or have used in similar applications?


Are you gonna have a problem with 250.122 (F) ?
Each parallel equipment grounding conductor shall besized on the basis of the ampere rating of the overcurrentdevice protecting the circuit conductors in the raceway orcable in accordance with Table 250.122.
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