motor nameplate

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Senior Member
Good day guys and gals.

I have a motor nameplate that has "mag. cur." on the nameplate of 10.8/5.4. What is "mag. cur."? Its a Baldor inverter duty motor with a FLA of 21/10.5.
That's odd. Can you post a picture?


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Yes, magnetizing current. VFD might need to know this if it can't determine an appropriate model of the motor by itself.
Magnetizing current is the reactive current due to the inductive reactance of the motor. In a VFD that current will circulate between the motor windings and the capacitors on the DC bus of the drive. So as bwat mentioned that's an important parameter for the VFD.
When you are setting up a high precision Flux Vector Control (FVC) application with a VFD, you need more details of the motor circuit than you do for basic stuff. In earliest days of using FVC, you had to enter that data manually into a set of special parameters in the VFD, but getting that info from motor mfrs was challenging; this was Baldor's attempt to try to make that easier.

A couple of decades or more ago, VFD mfrs came up with good "auto-tune" routines in the VFD setup that allow the drive itself to go "find" those values by testing.
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