I can recall back in the good old days of NEMA starters with the heater charts. Some manufactures figured in 125% and others did not. I think it was Square D that had a chart that was for motors with a SF of 1.0 and another chart for those with a SF of 1.1 or higher. You sometimes had to really look at the notes accompanying the charts.
If you purchase an "open" starter it will usually come with more than one table, you use the one that applies to your application.
If you purchase a starter in an enclosure, the table that applies to that enclosure is already attached to the enclosure.
Either case they will usually have a note at bottom telling you to multiply motor current by a certain factor for motors with SF of 1.0.
If you looking up thermal overload tables in the catalog (this for Square D and many others) you need to know exactly what starter you have, what it will be enclosed in/with, how many thermal units it will have installed, maybe another detail or two in some cases just to select the right table to use.