I have been asked to evaluate the below curves from the motor manufacturer.
1. Time current Curves - what is the purpose of these curves, if vendor has already mentioned the FLC(Full Load current), LRC(Locked rotor current) in the datasheet.
2. Speed Torque Curves / Speed Current Curves - Combined in one curve- Apart from if the motor could successfully accelerate the load at 0.8 and 1.0 P.U voltages, What is the need of these curves?
3. Thermal Limit Curves - Hot/Cold withstand times have been already mentioned in the datasheet. This curve can be used for relay setting. Any other information from this curve?
4. Speed Vs Power factor curve - What is the purpose of this curve?
Apart from the above, What checks/verifications do I need to perform with these curves?
1. Time current Curves - what is the purpose of these curves, if vendor has already mentioned the FLC(Full Load current), LRC(Locked rotor current) in the datasheet.
2. Speed Torque Curves / Speed Current Curves - Combined in one curve- Apart from if the motor could successfully accelerate the load at 0.8 and 1.0 P.U voltages, What is the need of these curves?
3. Thermal Limit Curves - Hot/Cold withstand times have been already mentioned in the datasheet. This curve can be used for relay setting. Any other information from this curve?
4. Speed Vs Power factor curve - What is the purpose of this curve?
Apart from the above, What checks/verifications do I need to perform with these curves?