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"Horsepower" is a unit of power, and so it watts. Converting HP to Watts is similar to converting feet to inches. One foot is equal to 12 inches. 746 watts is equal to one HP.
However, a simple "unit conversion" would not take into account the mechanical efficiency, electrical efficiency, or power factor of the motor.
So to find the right number to use for calculation purposes, I would start with Table 430.250. A motor rated at 1.5 HP would draw 3 amps at 460 volts. Multiply 3 amps times 460 volts times 1.732 (the square root of three, a term that comes into play for three phase motors), and you get 2390 VA. That is the load for your motor, for the purposes of a load calculation.
Please note that the largest motor must be accounted for by taking 125% of its VA load. So if this is the largest motor, you need to add another 598 VA.