This three phase motor is fed with two #4 al and one #6 al (yup SER cable). I did the calculations and the # 4 is on the edge of being okay. The #6 is over 4% drop.
I quoted a price to run a new #6 copper feed, also a shorter run than the old SER. The customer then asked if we could use the feed to an existing panel (two #2 al and one # 4, more SER) to feed the motor. The panel does not have much in it so using the #4 SER would be okay.
So, the million dollar questions...
Is it a violation to run different size conductors to a three phase motor?
Will doing this hurt the motor?
How do I always find these jobs? (haha)
Any help or wise a$$ remarks welcome!
I quoted a price to run a new #6 copper feed, also a shorter run than the old SER. The customer then asked if we could use the feed to an existing panel (two #2 al and one # 4, more SER) to feed the motor. The panel does not have much in it so using the #4 SER would be okay.
So, the million dollar questions...
Is it a violation to run different size conductors to a three phase motor?
Will doing this hurt the motor?
How do I always find these jobs? (haha)
Any help or wise a$$ remarks welcome!