Mounting to plastic siding.

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Senior Member
Rhinelander WI
Hope someone has some ideas here. When mounting A/C disconnects or a plug in for a generator I have not figured out a good way to mount these to houses with plastic/vynal siding.Siding crushes in realy easily and I'm never realy happy with the end result.
place box on siding and mark holesw then use a step bit to cut holes large enough for 1/2 conduit place a short piece of conduit in the hole pressing hard and mark then cut conduit spacer place in hole with a small amount of caulk around it then mount box with lag screws.

You thinking something like this?
iaov said:
Hope someone has some ideas here. When mounting A/C disconnects or a plug in for a generator I have not figured out a good way to mount these to houses with plastic/vynal siding.Siding crushes in realy easily and I'm never realy happy with the end result.

Are you using an impact gun to fasten things to vynal siding? ;) :grin:

I guess I just go easy with the screws, never crushed the siding before, its all in the layout also... Worse case scenario, I use an after the siding is up siding block....
you could use those screws that have lag type tread on one side and a machine tread on the other side. after putting in lag tread you put a nut and washer on as the mounting back. thats one way to do it without crushing siding.
puckman said:
you could use those screws that have lag type tread on one side and a machine tread on the other side. after putting in lag tread you put a nut and washer on as the mounting back.
Good idea! You can jam two nuts together to make turning the screw-point into the wood more easily.
That is a good idea Puckman, I'll remember that one!
I was just in the supply store and I saw those panels (previously mentioned on this thread) made by Arlington (I think) does anyone have experience installing them into existing siding? Just wondering if it was easy, or more trouble than it's worth?
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