mounting transformer

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Senior Member
master electrician and refrigeration service tech.
Have to mount a transformer on a plywood wall. Problem is instructions say mount to non combustible surface. I do have room on the concrete foundation. however that will be below our wonderful snow level. Could I put a piece of cement board under it or perhaps a piece of stainless steel. THANKS.
As long as ventilation requirements are also met, I see no problem with your proposal. However, you may want to run this by your AHJ beforehand.
My guess is this is probably an encapsulated transformer - a ventilated transformer usually doesn't mount on a wall.

Such transformers do get pretty hot though as the case is the only thing that will transfer heat away from the unit.

Space the thing away from the wall with some unistrut and you will probably be fine. The constant heat of the enclosure right against the combustible plywood may eventually dry it out - making it even more combustible and eventually it may start on fire, just a little space will make a big difference.
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