Moving a Circuit and AFCI/GFCI requirements

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New member
Say I have a residential service, and I want to move an existing circuit from the main distribution panel to a subpanel, or move an existing circuit from a subpanel into the main panel.

The circuits in question were installed before GFCI/AFCI protection was required. If I move the supply from one panel to another, but don't modify the circuit wiring itself, is it still considered "existing"? Or is it "new" and does it require upgrading to a GFCI or AFCI depending on location?

I'd rather avoid the AFCI nuisance trips where I can. But I would rather have it to-code for the inspector the first time through. Thanks. :)
Unfortunately the forum rules do not allow us to give DIY advice so I am closing this thread in accordance with the forum rules.

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