MRI Help

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could someone please give me some insight on wiring a mri i have the project and i'm not 100 percent sure on the install and would rather get some help from anyone who has installed one


I just finished a project for an urgent care office that had a x-ray room, not MRI, an this is some of the things we did. You need to work hand in hand with the manufacturer (We had Siemens X-Ray) of the equipment to locate, j-boxes, disconnectes, epo switches, underground conduit to table. We did no wiring of the equipment just the power to disconnect and to j-box for equipment. We also pulled wiring for epo switch. Another thing that was used in this room was lead backed sheetrock, everything needed to be in the walls and double checked by rep from the manufacturer before it was inclosed, hard to cut the lead-sheetrock. Get a good set of plans from the manufacturer.
Click HERE for some old threads on the subject


Roger: I get a "no matches" error.

I haven't installed any MRI rooms, but I've designed a few.

Not only will you have to work with the MRI supplier, there will probably be another company that will build the enclosure. The enclosure is basicallly a metal screen that is installed around the entire room. In most places, it is insulated from ground. It is intentionally grounded at a specific point (or points).

All wires going into the MRI room will have to run through filters that the enclosure supplier will provide. All the lights in the room will have to run off DC, from a DC supply. And they have to have non-magnetic enclosures (usually alumnium). Look for lights that say "MRI" applications.

That's just a couple of the more major things I can think of right now that you will have to deal with.
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