If I did these calcs correctly, why is there such a discrepancy between the two load calculations.
Standard vs 220.84
In your experience which one would use.
Your standard calculation should be a little lower, and your optional calculation should be a little higher...the optional will be about 30% lower rather than the 45% lower that your calc shows.
In your standard calc, your dryer load should be 68,250va, not 105,000va. 14x2=28...28 dryers have a demand of 45,500va, which equals 22,750 per phase, which equal 68,250va 3ph equivalent.
The oven demand load should be 64,500va 3ph equivalent.
When you added the standard loads, you included the full appliance load (186,880) rather than the demand load (140,160.)
On the optional method calc, you need to use the nameplate rating of the range rather than 8kw.
Also, for your House Panel calc, you can't use the dwelling unit lighting demand.