As someone who holds a number of state master/contractor licenses and also managed a state electrical licensing agency, I can offer a few comments.
With most states doing more and more online the process is much easier than it used to be. As such, most of the outfits that would help you through the process are mostly gone and not really needed.
At the master level there are very few reciprocity agreements so for many you will need to take the exam(s). Some states are very friendly and helpful with the process and questions, some would sooner spit on you than be of any help. The best course is to study very carefully the states web sites and learn every detail you can before reaching out to them. I was always amazed at the sloppy, error riddled, illegible apps that would come across my desk that would have to be rejected. Some states can be done in a matter of days or weeks while some may take months to get trough the process.
Since most states now use one of a few national testing outfits for exams many allow you to take the exam anywhere. But again, details matter, as many require special permission to do this. Do not assume that just because some states use the same exam company the the exam will be the same among states as they are often custom for each state. Many states will require separate master and contractor exams and applications.
Also, in most states, at the contractor level you will need to show proof of insurance so you will need a carrier that can write policies in every state you are looking at.
To be sure, this takes time and patience as it is tedious work. Do you have a list of states you are interested in and where you would like to start?