Multifaceted question about diesel and sparks

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New member
I am a writer currently working on an action novel and looking for some technical guidance. I stumbled across this forum via a Google search on the flash point of diesel. I understand that "how-to" questions are not allowed, but was hoping that mine would not fall into that category.

I am writing a scene in which an electrified bus in Seattle, attempting to avoid hitting a pedestrian, hits a semi tanker truck carrying some type of flammable liquid (suggestions?). My questions are these:

1 - If the electrified bus, connected to overhead lines, crashes into another vehicle causing the connection to break, is there a fire hazard? If so, what? If not, why not?

2 - If sparks are thrown from this fouled connection could they ignite fuel leaking from the semi's own gas tanks and/or the fuel tank being hauled behind the semi cab?

3 - If the connection between the bus and the overhead lines is broken and one of the overhead lines should snap and fall, could that "live wire" ignite spilled fuel and potentially cause an explosion?

I am hoping to create some serious action and tension, but want to stay true to physics if at all possible. I can visualize what I want to write, but am out of my depth regarding the realistic nature and outcome of such an accident. Any advice that anyone can give or suggestions on other sites I might look at for help are greatly appreciated.

Thanks in advance!
A. Graves


Senior Member
Norfolk, VA
Re: Multifaceted question about diesel and sparks

Alright, I'll bite. :) First let me say that know nothing about the voltages and loads involved with an electrified bus via overhead lines. I suspect the voltage is rather high but the current lower because of the higher voltage. I would think that if the bus, while underway and therefore under load, would draw an arc should contact with the overhead line is lost. I know absolutely nothing about the protective devices employed to mitigate such accidents. However, if that overhead arc were to contact gasoline, with a much lower flashpoint than diesel, the gasoline could ignite. How 'bout if the bus impacts a gasoline tanker at speed, the tanker violently ruptures and the resulting huge splash of gasoline rises to the level of the bus's overhead connection! Poof! :D Hopefully someone with more intimate knowledge of electrified buses will respond.
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