Multiple Grounding

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New member
Does the code accept mutiple grounding points thru out a ELEMENTARY SCHOOL? We are bidding a school that has 21 ground rods located in 21 different areas of the school and bonded to the building steel. We also have a driven sround rod at each parking lot light pole. This is all tyed back to the main service ground with branch circuits and a ground wire in the conduit.
Is this accepable or is this illegal with multiple grounds?
Does the code accept mutiple grounding points thru out a ELEMENTARY SCHOOL? We are bidding a school that has 21 ground rods located in 21 different areas of the school and bonded to the building steel. We also have a driven sround rod at each parking lot light pole. This is all tyed back to the main service ground with branch circuits and a ground wire in the conduit.
Is this accepable or is this illegal with multiple grounds?
Sounds like the ground rod salesman had a good day. :rolleyes:

It's too bad the always-limited resources of education are being squandered in such a way.

The code does not prohibit adding additional supplemental ground rods to a grounding system (250.54) ...

Re: those light poles ... while I think that you described each pole as having it's own EGC, it wasn't clear ... so I feel it deserves restating here, if only for emphasis:

The "soil" can NOT serve as the required low-impedance fault-clearing path.


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I would be curious as to the reason. These ground rods are allowed per 250.54 but serve no usefull purpose. Can you do me a favor and if you get the bid ask the electrical designer what the purpose is, and what code or standard the requirements come from....
You could submit your bid with this as a deduction if not done....
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