Multiple Grounds


El Dorado, KS
I'm having a subpanel installed in an outbuilding on a farm. It will be connected to a nearby building by direct burial 10 GA. Contractor insists on a grounding rod for the subpanel. The problem is that I've got other grounds in various areas of the farm where these outbuildings are.

Will multiple grounds cause ground loop conditions?

Short answer IMO no. What are these other multiple grounds?
I have one connected to an emergency generator I've installed, connected in turn to an ATS which is the termination of the 400A service to the farm. Also have another off a subpanel in another outbuilding. These ground rods would be approx. 100 yds. apart.
Multiple grounds aren't an issue. As long as the neutral is bonded to the ground at only one point, the service entrance, you won't have any loop issues.
Not only NOT an issue but it is required by the code in all the newer code cycles. Trust the electrician on this.