Multiple Power Feeds in Same Conduit

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El Dorado, KS
Am hooking up an emergency generator, 60KW, 120/240V, single phase. Generator has 2 circuit breakers, one 200A, the other 250A. Will use the two separate output circuits to send power to 2 different transfer switches, each feed going to separate buildings.

Best way to bring the power cables into the building housing the 2 ATS's is through a single raceway, in this case probably a Carlon 6"x6"x10' Wiresafe Wireway.

Is it acceptable to run all these power feeds in the same raceway, assuming I observe fill rate limitations?

If this is an article 700 emergency generator probably not. If it’s an article 702 generator then yes. We often call any generator an emergency generator, when it’s an Art 702?generator that you have to watch the Super Bowl when there’s a power outage. Please review the scope of articles 700, 701, and 702.
Thanks very much indeed, and I appreciate the clarification. This answers the question. The generator is clearly an Article 702-type. However, I have found a better way to run cables for the separate feeds and keep them in different pipes.

Better safe than sorry here, and separate pipes is preferable in any case.
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