Multiple Service Disconnects


Staff member
State Electrical Inspector (Retired)
Basic scenario: A 600 amp service comprised of a parallel set of 350s with Polaris taps in a wireway and (3) individual 3/0s supplying 3 200 amp service disconnects.

Option 1:
Service lateral supplying wireway tapped to (3) adjacent disconnects on the outside of the building which supply feeders to interior panels.

Option 2:
Service Lateral consist of 2 exterior conduits with LBs that penetrate the exterior wall immediately entering an interior wireway with Service rated polaris connectors
and 3/0 conductors to M/B panels at the wireway.

The argument is being made that Option 2 is a violation of 230.90 as the 350s are required to terminate in a (single) OCP device once they enter the building.
Seemingly 230.90 exception 3 would allow either option.

On a non-dwelling structure, will Option 1 and 2 both be allowed per the 2107 and 2023 NEC, ??

(All grounding is to Code..only question relates to 230.90)
I have very strict view of 230.70(A)(1) and would reject based on that. I read the words "nearest the point of entrance of the service conductors" as meaning exactly what they say....that is the service conductors enter the building and directly enter the service equipment or go directly up or down into the service equipment.

I think you are correct that 230.90 and its exceptions would permit either method.
230.90 says nothing that would
The argument is being made that Option 2 is a violation of 230.90 ...

230.90 says nothing that affects options 1 and 2 differently, so that's an invalid argument.

I can see Don's point of view that 230.70(A)(1) would prohibit Option 2 because the conductors are spliced in the interior wireway before entering the service disconnects, although I think that is ... awfully strict. But then how about:

Option 3: Service lateral supplying an *exterior* wireway with service rated polaris connectors, and 3/0 conductors in raceways that penetrate to the interior and immediately land in (3) M/B interior service panels.
A couple thoughts: In general I would try and avoid the taps and splices and just run three 200A sets all the way back to the service point or transformer (Plessy V Furguson, separate but equal). Thought #2: IF the POCO is not metering at the spades of their transformer, then there will probably be a CT cabinet on the side of the building so I would come up of that with 3 sets directly into my panels/disconnects.