Multiple services for one apartment building

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I'm designing a 16 unit apartment building. The previous design had 2 services for this building both coming from the same xfmr. The services are side by side and each service has it's own 1200A Main that feeds into a bank of (8) meters. Wouldn't this be a violation of 230.2? If the AHJ granted permission, what would be the advantage be of having (2) services. Would these (2) services share the same grounding electrode conductor?
I believe that is allowable under 230.40 exception #2.
IMO, there grounding electrode system(s) would need to be common to both services (or connected together).

Added: If you have an '08 Handbook look at Exhibit 230.8
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I guess i'm just not sure why they did it that way. It seems it would have been easier to only have (1) main breaker feeding all of the meters.
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