Multiple Subpanels from a 200 Amp main

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New member
New York
I have a 200 amp main panel in my home. I am adding a 4000 sqft addition and will be adding three 100 amp subpanel. One in the garage feeding the garage and rooms above the garage, one near the kitchen feeding the kitchen and rooms above and a third in the far end of the garage feeding the central air compressor, the swimming pool heat pump, the pool pumps, exterior lighting and exterior outlets.

The 200 amp main panel has one leg for the main neutral coming into the box and a second neutral screw large enough for one of the neutrals feeding one of the subpanels.

How do I connect the other subpanels neutral conductors to the main panel?

Sorry for being so wordy, but I wanted to be clear. Thanks in advance.

It would be in your best interest to consult with a local EC.

I agree with Roger. Who will be doing the work? Are you an electrical engineer?
You need to do the load caculations and determine what size you main
needs to be. With that large addition the 200 amp may not be large enough.
A 4000 square foot addition could easily overload your 200 amp system. My utility is notorious for cutting electrical service entirely for unpermitted work, I don't know it works in your area, but this sounds like a candidate. Please do have someone who is familiar with this work, either a licensed professional engineer or contractor, work with you on this. Shopping for professional assistance will absolutely, definitely pay off better than trying to take it on yourself.
Wow! Electrical Engineers doing Electrical work. What a scary thought. :wink:

I agree with Roger, get an electrical contractor involved. You realize, of course, you'll have to buy grounding bars for the sub-panels. None of the sub-panels can have bonded neutrals.

Best of luck,
LarryFine said:
eric stromberg said:
Wow! Electrical Engineers doing Electrical work. What a scary thought. :wink:
Look again: "engineer", not necessarily electrical.

My thought too. That's why I asked. Now all we need is a response.
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