Is it permissible to use an existing whole plant fire alarm system ( speakers and clock circuits) to signal the breaks and lunch times? There seems to be some confusion in our circles of electricians.
Yes it is allowed see NFPA 2010 article 23.8.4 Combination Systems or NFPA 2007 article 6.8.4 Combination Systems. I am assuming this would not sound like a fire alarm as you must also comply with notification requirements.
Although combined systems are allowed by NFPA 72, I've heard many AHJ's amend this part of NFPA 72 when they adopt it. So you may not be able to do this in your particluar location. I'd suggest contacting your AHJ.
As Rick mentioned, the fire alarm has to be a unique signal. Break and lunch time signals would have to sound and look different. And the fire alarm signal has to have priority over any other signals.