Multiple Valve Actuators on single breaker

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South Florida
Electrical Engineer
Hi guys, my first post.

I'm doing some design work for a new filter assembly; 4 filters, each with 5 valves actuated by a fractional hp, 120V motor. To increase efficiency, I was wondering if it were possible to place all 5 motor feeders on a single breaker.

I'll have a maximum of 24 circuits available from a local mini power center and I may end up needing most of them even if I gang 5 VAMs on one breaker.

There is no rule against putting multiple motors on a single breaker. It is sometimes a tricky business to size the breaker and the feeder properly, but it can be done. Please note that each motor will need its own local disconnect, unless (1) the one breaker serving all 5 motors is in sight of all 5 motors, and (2) you don't mind having to turn off all 5, in order to work on one.

Welcome to the forum.
Thanks a Bunch. We are going to provide individual local disconnects. The Actuator assembly does have a controller which I assume has overcurrent protection. It only requires the 120V feed.
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