Multiple voltages in MCC

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I am designing a new 480V MCC for the following loads:
1- two 50 HP Motors, 460V.
2- one 1HP Motor, 120VAC via single phase 480/208-120 transformer (2KVA).
3- one Lighting Panel fed via single phase 480/208-120 transformer (20KVA).

Is it a code violation if all the above loads are housed in a 3Ph 480V, MCC? My concern is the multiple voltages and phases withen one enclosure! Thanks for your feedback.
You can order what you want from most manufactures with the panels built into the MCC sections. No code violation whatsoever, just be sure your grounded conductors are identified for each system voltage.
I am designing a new 480V MCC for the following loads:
1- two 50 HP Motors, 460V.
2- one 1HP Motor, 120VAC via single phase 480/208-120 transformer (2KVA).
3- one Lighting Panel fed via single phase 480/208-120 transformer (20KVA).

Is it a code violation if all the above loads are housed in a 3Ph 480V, MCC? My concern is the multiple voltages and phases withen one enclosure! Thanks for your feedback.
pretty common. personally I would be inclined to make the lighting transformer larger and just feed the 120V motor off of it.
20 kVA is a weird size for a three-phase transformer. If you go with a 30 kVA, then your 208V panel will be 100A. On the other hand, if you make it single phase, 25 kVA is the right size. You're still at 100A, but its 1?, 3W. The MCC can be built with a transformer in its own cubicle.
I am designing a new 480V MCC for the following loads:
1- two 50 HP Motors, 460V.
2- one 1HP Motor, 120VAC via single phase 480/208-120 transformer (2KVA).
3- one Lighting Panel fed via single phase 480/208-120 transformer (20KVA).

Is it a code violation if all the above loads are housed in a 3Ph 480V, MCC? My concern is the multiple voltages and phases withen one enclosure! Thanks for your feedback.

Probably not all that practical to house the loads within the MCC, you sure they are not just supplied from the MCC?;)
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