Multiple washing machines tripping GFCI outlet


I installed 4 washing machines in a laundry room. I bought 4 deviated circuits into 2 different boxes. Each washing machine continues to trip GFCI. I ran the washing machine on a standard receptacle works fine. At least one of them. Any answers?
Washer tripping GFCI immediately on start up or only after running and when it switches modes? Seeing issues with the new Energy star equipment making use of VFD causing GFCI trip.
I am not sure from standard point of view regarding requirement.
If the GFCI receptacle is wired correctly, then I would assume there is a neutral to ground bonding in the machine or there might be internal high resistance short from phase to ground in the machine.

Refer to your country codes before doing and wiring modification.

Ziyad Alharbi
If washers have variable speed drives it is very likely high frequency leakage causing the tripping.

First time I ran into this, the manufacturer actually did address the issue but their solution happened to fail. What they did was to run the equipment ground to the motor through a "door switch" that is held open when the back cover is installed. That interrupts the path for the leakage, but closes circuit should back cover be removed. The unit I was working with had plastic mount for this switch break so it closed the circuit even though cover was on.

One quick and easy thing to do is plug the machine in with one of those two to three prong cheaters and see if it works that way. This leaves EGC open so it can't return the leakage. Not a good idea to use that as a solution to the problem, but if GFCI holds it does tell you there is leakage to ground that is causing it to trip.