Multiwire circuit on emergency power

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Is it against code to extend or add onto an emergency circuit that is a multiwire branch circuit? I was told this is in the new 2014 code.
Is it against code to extend or add onto an emergency circuit that is a multiwire branch circuit? I was told this is in the new 2014 code.

I think you are referring to the new 700.19 that prohibits MWBC for these circuits. There is no mention of how to handle extensions of existing circuits (as for example, AFCI circuits). I guess this would be an AHJ call.
Is it against code to extend or add onto an emergency circuit that is a multiwire branch circuit? I was told this is in the new 2014 code.

What code does your jurisdiction use today? Are you already on the 2014 code?
What code does your jurisdiction use today? Are you already on the 2014 code?

Yes, we are in the 2014. Wasn't sure what article that was under. But unless I am reading it incorrectly, it appears what I heard may be true if there is no local amendment to address this.
Generally speaking you're not allowed to expand or extend a non-conforming installation.
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