Muratic (hypochlorite) acid storage room classification

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Good evening,
I have a acid storage room without an exhaust fan, and it really needs one. I'm having trouble locating the proper classification for this room so we can spec the correct equipment. There is nothing else within the room. Any help is appreciated.
Good evening,
I have a acid storage room without an exhaust fan, and it really needs one. I'm having trouble locating the proper classification for this room so we can spec the correct equipment. There is nothing else within the room. Any help is appreciated.

Muriatic acid is not considered flammable, so if you are asking for a classification in regards to Chapter 5 of the NEC, it is unclassified. Merely bsed on your description, I would consider the area corrosive and run appropriate conduit, i.e PVC, Rob Roy or Fiberglass
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