Murray Panel

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New Jersey
Hi guys,

I have an older Murray panel I needed to add two circuits, on a kitchen remodel, that was full, so I bought two non current limiting Murray twin breakers......The existing breakers in the panel are a combination of very old different styles of breakers that even has Google confused. It is a Murray panel of the vintage when Murray was made in Brooklyn NY and it appears to have used Murray EP breakers.
instead there are older style white breakers with a tr designator and no clear manufacturer but it looks like the Ge meatball cast into the body of some and also some fx-3 breakers again no manufacturers markings are question is what type of twin does this take, or do I need to talk my customer into an upgrade.....She is rather old and stuborn so I'd rather not have too. cAN ANYONE MAKE A SUGGESTION WHAT TYPE OF BREAKER i CAN PUT IN HERE


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Does not look as if it would except twin breakers ( could be wrong)
what about a small sub panel? IMO might be easiest, but then you would need breaker to feed it
do you have a profile pic of existing breaker?
CH fits but need to stick to murray

CH fits but need to stick to murray

Would love to put a sub panel but it will come right out of my pocket to the wall!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
How many circuits does the panel label say that it is rated for?

If you ran out of room are there any lightly loaded lighting circuits that could be combined to free up a space or two? It may be when the panel was originally installed that the electrician may had put one bedroom an a circuit instead of two as is commonly done.
The two spots you are trying to use are not designed for twin breakers.. there is no "V" cut into the buss bar..

They may also not be designed to take SP breakers either if there are metal tabs under the gray rail that the breaker clips into..

I think you are going to have to sell a panel change..
Hello I also have a "Brooklyn" Murray panel of the same vintage. I can't find breakers that fit on three of the stabs (left side) which are angled and require a wider slot Not sure if your panel is the same model LC120DS. just wondering what breaker fits over these stabs. Thanks.
Hello I also have a "Brooklyn" Murray panel of the same vintage. I can't find breakers that fit on three of the stabs (left side) which are angled and require a wider slot Not sure if your panel is the same model LC120DS. just wondering what breaker fits over these stabs. Thanks.

The forum rules do not allow us to assist in DIY type questions, a local electrical supply house should be able to help you.

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