MV feed and Low voltage feed to building

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Senior Member
Northeast, PA
Electrical Design
Anyone see any issues with this?

Building has a 15kV MV service metered by utility company @ the MV gear so that is my service point.

MV Gear has;
One Fused switch feeding an outdoor Oil Filled transfomer to a 12470 Primary to 277/480V secondary that into building to fed a 1200A Switchboard
One fused switch feeding an indoor VPI 3000kVA unit sub station.
One fused switch which feeds a completely separate building on Campus.(No issues with this)

These are both located in the same room. Proper placard indicating dual feeders serving building and the feeders source is located within the electric room.

Does anyone see any code red flags having one feed @ 277/480 & 1 MV feed coming into the building. If it were 2 service its allowed to have 2 different voltage services but since these are technically feeders it gets 'grey'

Thanks for the replies!
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