MWBC...all the same A?

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Senior Member
2 Phase Philly
If two individual breakers are tied, can they serve a MWBC if the breakers are of different ratings? e.g. a 15A and a 20A breaker are tied and feed a 20A single recpt and a 15A single recept in the same box?
I see no reason why you couldn't do it that way. I would only ask why would you want to?
I see no reason why you couldn't do it that way. I would only ask why would you want to?
I find existing MWBCs just like this to be rather common in dwellings that were wired with a raceway method in the Thirties thru the Seventies, and where the service center wired for was most likely a fuse center.

Pulling a #14 and two #12 allowed a conserving of labor and material that installers then, in my work area, found attractive (think the laundry circuit with a general lighting circuit, etc.).

Upon upgrade and conversion to a circuit breaker service center, a handle tie between a 15 & 20 Amp single pole is the perfect solution.
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