MWBC Handle ties

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Senior Member
The 6 hour CEU 2008 code update course I'm taking was tonight for 3 hours and we have 3 more hours day after tomorrow. (Beats giving up 6 straight hours of a Saturday)

So, I was thinking about the handle ties. I have just use a 2-3 pole breaker that is common trip, never had a need for handle ties (back in the day, we slid in a piece of #10) but the instructor says that he prefers to use handle ties. I know that the ties are supposed to disconnect simultaneously, but do they always work that way? I mean, isn't it possible that 2 or 3 single pole breakers tied together could only have one open and the other(s) remain closed?

Has anyone experienced this, just one single pole in a handle tie opening? I just can't imagine the tie being that secure that it would effect the other breaker(s).
Handle ties are only interned and designed to ensure that when the breaker is turned off manually that all poles will open.

It is entirely possible that during a fault only one pole of a handle tied set of breakers opens.
Thanks Bob. Yeah, that was my thought. I think I will use the handle ties IF I install any MWBC under the '08, so that it might prevent a nuisance trip on the other circuit(s). :smile:
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