My day at church, photos

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Ok well maybe not the church but it is the Rectory:)

I figured since others have posted there incriminating photo's, I guess I should too.:roll:

This House (rectory) was originally fed from the main service in the church, about 15 years ago, the feeder was damaged by a tent stake driven in to the black top (parking lot) when they were putting up tents for a festival they hold every summer, the RMC and feeder was abandoned, and a temporary feed 3-#2cu, was ran to the maintenance building which has 400 amp feeders run from the church service MDP to a disconnect on the out side of the maintenance building, the maintenance building doesn't use but enough power to light a small office (1 light and 2 receptacles) and two 70w wall packs, the house which was all gas heat and appliances never had a problem on this temp. feeder until a couple years ago, when the kitchen was remodeled and a double oven and cook top was added, I was called because of the lights dimming but they didn't have the money to replace the feeder, so I adapted the fuses to 100 amp to at least protect these undersized conductors at the garage, and they ran on these temporary feeders till now. well a new Father is in place and he wants a hot tub for a back problem, whoops, I was called in and had to tell him there was no way it was going to run off this panel in the house unless the feeders were replaced. well to make it short, today, I trenched 355' installed new 4/0, 4/0, 2/0 Al. feeders, no spaces left in th existing panel, so I installed a new 30/40 circuit panel, and temped it to the existing feeders, tomorrow I will change it over to the new feeders and install the 200 amp fuses back in the disco at the maintenance garage.

After reviewing my photo's I found two biggie mistakes:roll:
lets see if someone else spots it. Hint: look in the before and after photo's

The photos are in this order, original panel, cover, and insides of panel, trench after new feeders ran, the tear out, and install of the new panel, and after the wires and breakers are installed, in the photo of the maintenance garage if you zoom in you can see the disco on the side of it, that I had to run from:roll:

Not done yet, have to go back tomorrow and fix two boo boo's:mad: and switch the panel to the new feeder.:roll:

Guess I have to make a second post for the rest of the photos:confused:
so wait there coming;)
Is there another way? an't no way I'm fighting tangled wires:D

not that I know of.... i always feel like im wasting time... but it sure makes installing a new panel my yourself a heck of a lot easier.

I use white tape so i can label it at the same time.

Your 2 pole 30 amp breaker (ckt 21,23 in the picture). You installed the white on the neutral bar rather than re-identifying it and put it on the breaker. Unless it's in one of your wirenuts at the bottom left. I can't tell for sure.

I hope it ends up on a 2 pole 20 on the final install. It looks as though that's 12-2.
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ok, what? ...

Note the two pole breakers, and the wire colors, the bottom left in the removed panel, is a 2/pole 20 amp with a white and black #12 and from the door schedule, and is for the well. it got landed as a 120 volt circuit.
in the new panel, the #10 red and black is landed on a 2-pole 30, if you look close it was on two single poles, red on the bottom right tandem, and the black on the next breaker up, both 20 amp circuits, and I believe its the Dishwasher/disposal and the laundry circuits now fed by a 2-pole 30:roll:
the well is for the irrigation system so its not turned on, so thats safe, and I had the Father turn off the 2-pole 30.
Thats what happens when your stuck doing a job like this all by yourself, and your pressed for time, to get power back on before it gets dark.
could have been worse.:roll:
Guess I'm human;)


One of the bare EGC is touching the hot phase lug

There is a thin plastic gaurd to the left of the left hot lug and to the right of the right hot lug in the ITE panel, but I hvae seen a few of these panels where these little plastic protector plates was broke off, and just barlly touching the EGC or even a over striped neutral landed in those terminals, just explode when they make contact.:mad: very poor design.

Also note the two smaller neutral wires that run from the neutral lug the one to each side neutral bar, which is just goes under a terminal screw, had many failures at the terminal screw, or it getting accidently loosened up by someone not watching which screw hes turning. IMO, a very poor design:mad:

Middle lug in this photo: and the wire run to the bottom left outside terminal on the neutral buss and bottom right, see other photo above.

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Your 2 pole 30 amp breaker (ckt 21,23 in the picture). You installed the white on the neutral bar rather than re-identifying it and put it on the breaker. Unless it's in one of your wirenuts at the bottom left. I can't tell for sure.

I hope it ends up on a 2 pole 20 on the final install. It looks as though that's 12-2.

you got it, well the main one.:D

Good thing I took these photo's huh!:D
One of the bare EGC is touching the hot phase lug

Ya after looking over another photo, I see where it looks like that EGC, which is the water GEC, is almost touching the Hot. but as you can see in the above close up, there was some space there.

Look at this image, it really looks close:confused:

but it's just the angle of the view;)


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