My electrical bill

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New member
Hi. I am not an electrician...just an end user. I figured this would be the best place to ask my question, since there are a lot of qualified electricians here.

I have a retail store up in Canada, and we have been in operation for more than 20 years. This year, our local electrical utility (Toronto Hydro) isntalled a new smart meter to monitor our electrical consumption. During the installaion, process, they claim to have "discovered" that we were previously being billed based on an incorrect multiplier. Up until this point, our billing multiplier had been "40", and now they say it should be 80, since the person installing the new smart meter noticed we had a 400:5 transformer connected to meter.
That means our electricity bill has now doubled instantaneously.

Now the electrical utility company (government owned, I might add), says they need to charge us for all the previous years of electricity we consumed but were mistakenly not billed for....Of course, this sounds absolutley ludicrous to me. If there was indeed an error, the error is on their part, not ours!!...We are not electricians here, we just pay the bill every month like everyone else.

But al that aside, I am also trying to figure out if what the utility thinks we are consuming (based on their meter readings) is even correct in the first place.
They claim our average daily usage is around 300-320 KWh.

These are the list of items that use electricity in our store.

A. 350 halogen bulbs (50W each) on for 10 hours per day.
B. 20 x 80W Pot lights, on for 10 hours per day.
C. 6 desktop computers with monitors (on 24hrs day, but mostly sitting idle)
D. 30 x 40W Flourescent Tubes (on 10 hrs per day).
E. 4 natural-gas furnace units (only 2 units max are operational for 10 hrs a day in the winter months).
F. 16 CCTV dome cameras on 24 hrs a day.

And that is pretty much it. By my estimations, we can't be using more than 250 KWh per day, worst case scenario. So what gives here? Am forgetting somthing crucial here?

Any help would be greatly appreciated.


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