Mysterious Voltage

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Hello, came across a strange situation in a commercial building in Massachusetts. In all the electrical panels in the building there's a voltage reading that just should not be there. You have all the 20 amp single pole branch circuits in all the 208/120 volt electrical panels, the wire leaves the breaker enters either MC cable or EMC and either enters a job box and does nothing or goes to cord cap where nothing is plugged into the cord cap. When you turn of the breaker and take a voltage reading from one or all of the three feed phase wires in the panel I get a reading of 80 volts. Just seems completely impossible. Anyone have any ideas?

peter d

Senior Member
New England
I also vote for ghost/phantom voltage. Use a solenoidal or a low impedance digital tester like the Fluke T+Pro and you will likely see that the circuit is dead.


Senior Member
I noticed too over ther years that ghost voltages always come across as right at 80v. If never seen a ghost +/-10v ever

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